Join nuclear industry leaders in adopting hoist sensorless fail-safety
MotoSuiveur® Solutions meet all the recommendations of the United Kingdom’s Office for Nuclear Regulation’s Technical Assessment Guide 56 for Nuclear Lifting Operations (NS-TAST-GD-056 (Rev 7)) in addressing the following challenges:
• Load arrest,
• Overspeed,
• Drop height,
• Overload,
• Independent recovery,
• Flexibility.
Build nuclear cranes with inherent safety at their core
Anticipate and solve for nuclear critical lifts and tough regulatory requirements by designing and building nuclear hoists with MotoSuiveur fail-safety at their core. Offer uniquely reliable and resilient designs while keeping hoist layouts remarkably light and efficient.
Provide integrated redundancy to your hoists to achieve a Single Failure Proof (SFP) criterion, without resorting to full double chain designs with their significant common failure modes risks, layout complexity and congestion. MotoSuiveur Solutions allow for remote load recovery that is fail-safe itself.
Sharply reduce the human factor’s impact on risk evaluations, thanks to MotoSuiveur Solutions providing safety which cannot be bypassed. MotoSuiveur-secured hoists tolerate and mitigate errors in operation and in maintenance and assist the correct diagnosis of failures.
Optimize EC&I design
Free your designs of convoluted electronic systems that create risks of their own and complicate risk assessments. Benefit from the design optimizations brought on by MotoSuiveur’s open-loop inherent safety.
Inherent safety throughout the nuclear value chain
Whether for fuel processing, fuel loading, turbine maintenance, spent fuel management, or dismantling, MotoSuiveur is the go-to safety solution thanks to its robustness, flexibility, compactness and simplicity.
Reduced maintenance and long-term reliability
MotoSuiveur Units are delivered factory-set and do not require readjustments during their life cycle to perform their safety function. No wear of parts during arrests means outstanding long-term reliability in MotoSuiveur-secured hoists.
MotoSuiveur Solutions for nuclear facilities
The Sellafield (UK) nuclear site has a series of wet storage bays from which intermediate level waste (ILW) needs to be removed. The crane designer integrated a MotoSuiveur Solution to the handling system to provide the safety level and recovery capability to mitigate handling risks and mechanical failure.
In the event of a hoist failure, the MotoSuiveur safely arrests the load within 30° of hoist barrel rotation, equivalent to just 21mm hook drop.
Why invest in MotoSuiveur Solutions?
Go-to safety platform for all nuclear projects |
Industry-proven with 30+ MotoSuiveur Solutions in nuclear today globally |
Turn off-the-shelf OEM designs into nuclear-grade hoists |
Significant engineering and cost-efficiency gains |
High-value manufacturing applications
Hot cells |
Waste repositories and decommissioning |
Upstream processes cranes |
Turbine hall cranes |