MS Torque Limiter Add-Ons

Preserve the hoist and crane from overloads by integrating a torque limiter between the hoist motor and gearbox.
Possible only with MotoSuiveur Solutions.

MS-TL Torque limiter Add-ons

The MS Torque limiter Add-ons come in 7 sizes,
according to the application’s required slippage torque .

Solving Overloads


Static and dynamic overloads damage components of the kinematic chain and ropes, shortening their lifecycle and increasing the probability of catastrophic breakage.
Additionally, traditional emergency braking constrains kinetic energy within the hoist’s drive train with the resulting peak overloads reaching more than 5 times the static load torque.

This classic mechanical problem would usually be solved by disengaging the hoist motor from the kinematic chain above a certain torque. In lifting applications however, the risk of a malfunction or under-performance of the caliper safety brake is too high and hoist designers implicitly rely on the whole drive train and service brakes as a back-up, so it cannot be uncoupled safely.

On a MotoSuiveur-Secured hoist, the hoist’s kinematic chain plays no role in holding the load during and after emergency arrests. Integrating a torque limiter between the hoist motor and gearbox is now risk-free.

Static and dynamic overloads ocurring during hoist operation or during arrests are cut to the equivalent of 110% of Safe Working Load (SWL), efficiently preserving the integrity of the hoist and crane structure.

Unfailing mechanical

Integrating a torque limiter between the hoist motor and gearbox is now risk-free.
Unfailing mechanical protection
0 sec
reaction time
to hoist overloads
Set to slip at
110 %
of SWL
Overload scenarios solved by integrating
a MotoSuiveur Solution to your hoist.
Rope slack

Unfailing protection.

Immuable Slipping Torque. MS Torque Limiters are set to slip at a nominal value of 110% SWL. This setting remains extremely stable even when friction linings are subjected to wear.

This makes MS Torque Limiters the most reliable and efficient means of protection against overloads in hoists.

Proof-load testing ready. Temporary increase the torque by 25% to allow periodical proof load tests of the hoist (now easy and safe thanks to MotoSuiveur fail-safety) without changes to torque limiter’s preset torque.

Avoid human errors. Human error risk is mitigated since slipping torque is adjusted according to the number of active springs – not through modification of spring pressure.
Plug-and-play retrofit. MS Torque Limiter is delivered bored and keyed to customer requirements. It features a PU insert for angular and torsional elasticity.
Factory tested to operational conditions. As with the MotoSuiveur Unit, the MS Torque Limiter undergoes rigorous factory testing to hoist operational conditions. The test report is included at delivery.
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We can answer any questions you have, ranging from building fail-safe hoists to details about MotoSuiveur technology.

MotoSuiveur Solutions

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